In a year filled with challenges that seemed insurmountable, an idea emerged. An idea spurred on by the desire to help our community recover from the most devastating wildfires in Oregon history, support our students through the difficulties of distance learning, which often distanced them from learning, and give us hope. Confronted with the loss of so many homes and displaced families, finding creative solutions to our housing crisis seemed paramount. Coupled with this loss were the expanding gaps in student learning. To help face these issues, The Skoolie Home Foundation, Talent Maker City, CTE Teacher Justin Eager and Southern Oregon Educational Service District put their heads together. The idea for the Bus Project grew into a reality.
The Bus Project
The Bus Project is a pilot program designed to ignite student interest in the construction trades by providing hands-on opportunities to build awareness, encourage exploration, and engage through real-world experiences that dovetail with regional pathways into high-wage, high-demand fields.
Student builders are working with CTE educators and industry experts to convert two retired school buses into homes for families displaced by the 2020 wildfires in Southern Oregon.